A multi-form film project unpacking masculinity in the 21st Century

Odyssey is a youth driven monologue, song and film project based on the ‘Erlking’ myth by 19th Century poet Goethe (and art song by Schubert),

The Erlking is a story of temptation, of how parents communicate with their children and how young people are looking for their voice. It’s a message to young men in light of #metoo, on the impact of toxic masculinity ideas and patriarchal values on young women.

This story for us is told through a feminine lens and a female gaze These are a series of short films, a series of gallery like portraits differing perspectives,. Some are spoken, some are sung, some are poetic and some spoken in an everyday voice.

The Beginning

of the story

Deep night…

A Father and Son hurtle through a dark forest on a horse, seeking refuge at a distant hut. As the wind howls, the pair ride faster and faster trying to escape the wind, the cold and the darkness.

Amidst the sound of the galloping hooves, the Erlking, the Fairy King appears to the boy, beckoning him to come away with him, promising him everything he desires.

The Erlking is alluring and tempting but also extremely dangerous.

The boy is scared tries to call to his father to tell him what he’s seen, looking for help, but his father does not hear him. They continue to ride. Again the boy calls out and again the father does not hear. The Erlking is insistent, beckoning the boy with his song.

They reach the hut and the wind and storm die down. The father dismounts and turns to the boy, but the boy is gone….

There are 7 short films that make up ODYSSEY

Pilot Program produced by Marian St Theatre for Young People – January 2023

Odyssey Concept and project direction by Nate Gilkes

Based on an Initial concept developed by Jolyon James, Christian Levesley and Nate Gilkes

MSTYP Executive Director: Lee Johnston

Cinematography by Thousand Mile Productions TMP Director: David Kelly TMP Producer: Mahveen Shahraki

Digital Artist and project key image Milo McDermid

Voice Direction: Kate Murphy

The Erlking is an art song by Franz Schubert on a poem by Goethe

Many thanks to Youth Opportunities: Department of Youth Community and Justice, NSW Government, Alister Henskens, Member for Wahroonga Arena Theatre Company, Christian Levesley, Jolyon James, Jess Blaxland Ashby, Wendy Blaxland, The MSTYP Board, Ku-ring-gai Council, Harrison Stirzaker, St Martins Church Killara